Saturday, May 15, 2010

Good Morning from Amsterdam!

                                                                  Schiphol Airport Kiosk

Good morning all from the land of tulips and wooden shoes (Amsterdam, Netherlands)! I'm here, I'm safe, and I'm on a limited battery supply. I haven't yet figured out how to go about making an international call....and wasn't expecting this website to come up in Dutch (THAT was fun) so I probably won't be emailing many of you personally or calling anyone until I get to Entebbe.

For the record: international flights rock. Two meals -- full meals -- and a chance to watch a bunch of movies or play video games for free. Granted...I slept nearly the entire flight, but that's not the point. It was there if I wanted it. We flew in over fields and fields of yellow tulips. It was both incredible and somehow totally normal...It was like flying in over somewhere in the midwest.

I've got two hours to find my team and my gate before we take another 7 hour journey across sea and sand to get to our final resting point. Until then, bye for now!


  1. Woo! I wonder if you took pictures from the airplane window or had an interesting passenger next to you! Buying duty free on the way home?

  2. No airplane pictures, plenty of interesting passengers. Amazing airline food on KLM--even better than on Delta (and that wasn't exactly bad). Probably not buying duty looking to bring home plenty of stuff from Uganda (they have so many beautiful crafts and carvings around here for sale!)
