Friday, May 14, 2010

Final Countdown (Uganda in T-1 Day)

Good morning all!

For the record: I'm no better at packing for overseas trips than I am at packing for domestic flights. My suitcases are somewhat packed and lying on the floor in the middle of the kitchen -- the best of intentions put them there, I promise. I've been trying to do the laundry for three days but something always comes up and I end up forgetting  to finish it.

I've started taking Doxy (generic for...I'm not sure. It's my anti-malaria medication, taken once a day and for four weeks when I get home). No crazy side-effects so far. The medicine was so cheap, they might as well be paying ME to take it, and I'm glad of that because everything else about this trip has been expensive.

Peter made me round up all of my inhalers yesterday. I had an asthma attack while we were at dinner and didn't have one on me. Stupid, I know, but I haven't had an attack in six months and I guess I'd gotten cocky about it. Don't worry folks -- the inhalers (all three of them) are safely packed in my purse and I've got backups in each of my bags.

 We're having gorgeous weather in SC right now -- seems a pity that I'm leaving this to go to rainy season Uganda. On the plus side, it is mango season there right now. I've been told that nothing beats the taste of a mango straight from the tree. I look forward to testing this theory upon my arrival.

Anyway, I really should get moving. Today is going to be a hectic mess of running last minute errands, making last minute phone calls, and packing my bags (probably up to the minute before I fall asleep). I'm on a plane tomorrow morning at 9:30 AM. Will keep everyone posted!

PS--Once I get my int'l cell phone, I'll be able to send the number out via email. Just remember that Uganda is 10 hours ahead of the West Coast, and 7 hours ahead of the East Coast.


  1. Good luck finishing up packing/etc, have a great flight, and keep me updated! =)

  2. I'm excited for you! And can't wait for pictures!
